Pico do Refugio
Art Residencies
Ana Catarina Pinho | February 2017

Ana Catarina Pinho, was born in Porto, in 1983. She studied Plastic Arts at the Escola Superior Artística do Porto, and Photography and Documentary Film at the ESMAE/IPP. Her works have been shown at the Kunstlerhaus Bethanian, Latvian Museum of Photography, Nordic House, Museu da Imagem,
Colégio das Artes, Centro Cultural de Vila Flor, among others. She is currently a PhD candidate at South Wales University (Research in Photography), with a grant from the FCT. Her work has been published and exhibited in several countries. She is also the founder of a platform dedicated to research in photography, which she manages since 2012. She works in Portugal and in the UK.
The oceanic islands have been impregnated with myths and speculation since antiquity, which has become associated to the imaginary we have of it. Throughout history and the human interaction with these territories, relations of space and power developed in very particular ways. In this work I intend to explore the island territory and its relations of space and power, starting from an analysis between the construction of the imaginary about the island and its idiosyncrasies, from a social, geographic and political point of view.