Pico do Refugio
Art Residencies
Duarte Amaral Netto | February 2018

Duarte Amaral Netto studied photography at Ar.co between 1996 and 2000 (in 1999-2000 he was the recipient of the Kodak scholarship), he took a Postgraduate Course in Visual Culture Theory in 2008 and obtained the European Master of Fine Art Photography at the IED Madrid in 2016 (IED scholarship). In 2004, he participated in the first edition of the Photography Course of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
His first solo exhibition at Módulo (2002) traveled to Holland where it was shown at the Nouvelles Images gallery in The Hague and at the MK Galerie in Rotterdam, in 2003. In that same year, he received the Grand Prix du 48ème Salon de Montrouge, Paris. He represented Portugal at the “100 photos pour l’Europe” exhibition in Paris and was selected for several festivals and events such as “European Night” in Arles (2006) or “Plat(t)form” in Winterthur (2014). In 2012, he was nominated for the 8th edition of the BES PHOTO Prize, exhibiting at the Berardo Museum in Portugal and Pinacoteca of São Paulo in Brazil. He has been a Professor of Photography at the Instituto Politécnico de Tomar since 2003 and is co-founder of Hélice – Photographers that use Photography and the magazine Propeller.